IVC Services

Business Advisory

Inspiring Vision for Consulting (IVC) is providing a range of consulting services that enhance business performance and needs.

Designing performance evaluation
Process mapping
Quality management & control
Business & market studies
Designing authority & responsibility matrices
Feasibility studies
Strategy development
Designing work manuals, policies and procedures
Designing job descriptions & details
Process Re-engineering
Structuring organizations
Structuring organizations

Capacity Building

words.IVC capacity building is on demand service and cover the following:

On job training
Professional training

Humanitarian & Development Advisory

words.IVC team has a field record on providing professional services to humanitarian and development programs and projects, that includes:

Monitoring and Evaluation M&E Services
Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability, Learning MEAL
Post Distribution Monitoring PDM
Information, and Communication Technology for Development ICT4D
Grant/Project proposals
Occupational, Health and Safety OHS
Projects management & out sourcing
Policy management & manuals
Evaluation ( mid term, final, impact )
Gender issues
Environment and Social Framework ESF Assessment
Impact Assessment
Social accountability
Social responsibility
Third Party Monitoring TPM
Capacity Assessment
Need Assessment
Rapid Assessment
Grant management
Micro Assessment
Good Governance